Main Street Studio Charlton logo


Main Street Studio is a member-supported collaborative creative center!

Levels of membership

Request Membership Application

Ask us about other options including family memberships, pay-as-you-go, drop-ins, guest passes, and other ways to contribute.

Why become a Studio Member?

Membership is a platform for your craft business (or serious hobby)

Request Membership Application

Open Studio Times

Studio Members can take advantage of up to 16 hours of open studio time per week. Members will have access to all tools available. Using potentially hazardous tools requires a safety certification in that tool. Certification sessions can be scheduled during open studio sessions.

Here are the current time slots (subject to change as we progress and learn what times work for the most people):

Launching in August:

Workshop Times

Workshop schedules are announced seasonally and span a range of topics, taught by a range of instructors (including members!). Registration is first come, first served, with members always having early priority access. Workshops are generally half or full-day, within the following time slots:

Exceptions (2024)

Everyone needs a break once in a while. We will be closed to all member and public activity during the following dates: