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Events > Mandala Drawing with Betsy Seplowitz of Nourish Designs

As part of Main Street Studio's "Charlton Makes!" community art exhibit and workshop series, we are excited to offer two drawing classes with Betsy Seplowitz - local artist, business owner and philanthropist!

Betsy assures us that if you can draw a line or a squiggle, you can draw a mandala!

Friday, June 9

Afternoon Session: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Charlton Inspired Theme!

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Evening Session: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Traditional Themes

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Space is limited to 8 students per session. Click the links above to register or email us at

Join us on Friday, June 9 for one of two sessions where Betsy will walk us through the background of mandalas, explore patterns and the benefits to drawing patterns and mandalas… and of course draw patterns and mandalas.

During the class everyone will have the opportunity to complete a mandala, but it is more about the process and less about the finished mandala. Throughout the workshop we will explore how drawing patterns and mandalas can reduce stress, alleviate anxiety, improve focus and increase creative thought.

This is a casual class, with space for conversation, laughter and fun.

Space is limited to 8 students per session. Be sure to register ahead of time to save your spot!